2015 Landoll 342 GN Series Container Trailer – SOLD!
Trailer Equipment and Options
- 2015 Landoll 342 GN Series Container Trailer
- Stock #U1313
- 12,000lb continuous chain drive load system
- 24ft-6inch steel deck with keyhole approach plate
- 102inch overall deck width
- 15,000lb axle with full air brakes
- Spring suspension
- Hub pilot wheel assembly with outboard drums
- 235/75R17.5 double coin tires
- Pusher blade
- 5th wheel plate hookup with air-connector & 7-way electrical plug
- 24x24x14inch gooseneck mounted toolbox
- 1-1/2inch x 1inch side rail, full length of deck
- Crank down landing gear
- Ladder – driver side mounted, orange safety paint
- Power coat blue